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SwadesiTV has hit a milestone by streaming a few special channels for free to all NRIs around the world. For instance, the Suvarna News 24X7 TV Channel can be viewed at absolutely zero charge courtesy of SwadesiTV. If watching news all the time is almost your hobby then this is for you; free Suvarna News TV Channel airs Kannada news live, non-stop on the clock, 7 days a week. Launched in June 2007, Suvarna News 24X7 Channel is a relatively new channel in India, but one would marvel at the magnitude of Kannada speaking population in South India it has attracted since. Actually, it is the most popular Kannada news live channel which covers the entire happenings around South India and goes a notch hire to further investigation. But the best thing about it is that you can now watch it outside India, for free with SwadesiTV. Online, you can watch it in HQ for free too.

Suvarna News live is available in United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, Europe, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Middle East and UAE
