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Dan TV broadcasts various entertainment programs like TV series, news other community Interested Programs for Tamil Speaking Viewers. Dan TV is currently available in Srilanka, Europe, USA, New Zealand, Middle East and of course in Asia where most of the Tamil speaking audience are living. DAN TV (Dish Asia Network) was first launched as satellite Radio in 1994 and after getting a huge success, they moved to their own 24 X 7 Tamil Language Channel. Dan TV is available to its worldwide users through SwadesiTV

We allows live streaming of various Indian TV channels across the worls in High Definition. We have a global reach for DAN TV live for its Tamil viewers across the world. After India majority of the Tamil speaking, people are residing in Srilanka, Malaysia and in the United Kingdom, where DAN TV is available. Let it be Entertainment, news, cultural or social – Dan TV provides everything for its targeted Audience.

DAN TV is Available in United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada, Europe and New Zealand